Annual Meeting 2023

The following is a description of the previous Annual Meeting (2023). When the next Annual Meeting (2024) is announced, it will appear on this page – stay tuned.


Monday 13th November 2023, 11.00-17.30

DTU, Building 101A, Meeting room 1, Kgs. Lyngby

DANfusion – the ‘follow-up-research center’ for Danish involvement in international fusion energy research – is inviting scientists, researchers, and students for the Annual Meeting 2023.


The agenda will include presentations of the fusion energy research activities at the partner universities DTU, SDU, AAU, and AU. Send proposals for posters to no later than November 8th 2023.


Visits to the Danish fusion experiments at DTU – e.g. the tokamak NORTH – will be possible upon request when signing up.


Sign up to participate via email to DANfusion Coordinator Pia Lone Elhauge ( as soon as possible and no later than November 8th 2023.


On behalf of the DANfusion board,
Søren B Korsholm
DANfusion Director
16 FEBRUAR 2025