Summer schools

There are several available options if you wish to attend a summer school on plasma physics and fusion energy. Some are introductory and targeted at bachelor's and master's level or new PhD students, and others require more specialized knowledge beforehand. Below, you will find a list of selected European summer schools with links to their websites.


Introductory summer schools


Culham Plasma Physics Summer School last two weeks and is a large introductory summer school aimed at master's students and early PhD students that covers a variety of topics in plasma physics. It includes a tour of JET and MAST Upgrade.

The next summer school will take place at The Culham Science Centre near Oxfordshire, 14th to 24th of July 2025. Deadline for application will likely be around June 2025.


The Carolus Magnus Summer School lasts two weeks and is one of the larger European summer schools. It gives a broad introduction to topics in plasma physics and fusion energy and is primarily intended for PhD students as well as for master's students who will become PhD students after the present academic year.

The next summer school will take place in 2026 in Brussels, Belgium.


The IPP Summer University for Plasma Physics and Fusion Research lasts one week and is aimed at master's students. It covers a variety of topics in plasma physics and fusion energy and includes a tour of ASDEX Upgrade.

The next summer school will take place at The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in 2025.


This 5-day summer school covers a variety of topics in fusion energy as well as the engineering challenges of fusion energy. Additionally, there are visits to the labs and facilities situated at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

The next summer school will take place at KIT from May 7 to 15, 2025. Registration will be open until April 25th.


The JT-60SA International Fusion School (JIFS) covers plasma physics, engineering and tokamak operation including dedicated lectures on the JET DT campaigns and first integrated commissioning of JT-60SA. The programme is complemented with 2-days of practical exercises, a visit to JT-60SA, a social programme to connect the European and Japanese students and opportunities for the students to present their current research.

The next edition of JIFS will take place in 2025 at the QST Naka site in Japan.


The Kudova Summer School covers a variety of topics in fusion energy, plasma physics and diagnostics and is primarily aimed at PhD students.

The next summer school is planned to take place at The Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion (IPPLM) in Poland in 2026.


PlasmaSurf is a 6-day summer school on plasma physics, intense lasers and nuclear fusion, tailored for BSc/MSc engineering and physics students. In addition to the lectures, the summer shool has a number of outdoor activities - including surfing!

The next summer school will take place at The University of Lisbon from July 13 to 19, 2025. The first registration deadline is 30 April 2025.


Specialized summer schools


The ITER International School is a 5-day programme with the goal of giving young scientists and engineers a taste of nuclear fusion. The summer school is primarily aimed at PhD students, postdocs and research staff working in fields relevant to the ITER program. Every year the summer school has a new main topic.

The next summer school has the topic "Magnetic Fusion Diagnostics and Data Science" and took place in Nagoya, Japan, from 9th to 13th of December 2024.


SUMTRAIC is a 2-week experimental training course in plasma physics and, in particular, in magnetic confinement fusion devices. The majority of the training course consists of group work on a relevant scientific project.

The next summer school will take place at The Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague in 2025.


PhDiaFusion is a summer school on diagnostics in fusion plasma devices. The 2023 edition of the PhDiaFusion Summer School of Plasma Diagnostics covered diagnostics data processing, interpretation, validation and real-time control aspects with a focus on artificial intelligence methods.

The next summer school will take place at Niepołomice Royal Castle, Poland, from June 9 to 13, 2025.


  • Microwaves in Beams and Plasmas Summer School

Biannual summer school that primarily focuses on microwave propagation in plasmas. Both theoretical and engineering aspects are covered.

The date for the next summer school is currently not decided.


Advanced summer schools


Festival de Theorie is an inter-disciplinary workshop and research program which for 4 weeks aims to bring together leading researchers in plasma physics, astrophysics, statistical physics and neutral fluids. The workshop can serve as educational training for PhD students and postdocs.

The next summer school will possibly take place in 2025.


Non-European summer schools


The above links to a list of summer schools compiled by ITER – including non-European summer schools not mentioned here.
16 FEBRUAR 2025